Mr Spock
JoinedTopics Started by Mr Spock
Ray Franz Website?
by Mr Spock inwhy doesn"t ray franz have a website??
i see he was recently attacked on the website under the questions and answers segment.
ray-- if you're out there you should defend yourself and your fellow apostates{ as the watchman put it}.
If You were God?
by Mr Spock inif you were god what would you have done differently?
i think i would have forgiven adam and eve and the last six thousand years would have been a cakewalk.. i wouldn't have had to send down my son to be nailed to a tree and die a horrible death.
i also would have been much more clear in what i expext of my creation, maybe write a book that could be understood by anyone..maybe i would have sent some of my angels down to the babylonians when they were throwing babies in the fire as sacrifices to say don't do that!!